Wrap around care
We understand that working hours do not always coincide with the conventional school day. Therefore, our Sunshine Club offers Parent and carers a secure, stable, and relaxed environment where you can leave your child/children with confidence.
The Sunshine Club has two clubs on offer – a breakfast club and an after-school club. Both clubs operate on all pupil days. All Thornbury Primary School pupils are very welcome to attend.
Breakfast Club.
Our breakfast club provides the perfect start to the school day with a range of fun activities and breakfast options. If you would like your child to attend breakfast club, please book in a place through the Arbor App or alternatively, speak with the admin team in the school office.
Breakfast club sessions are available every morning from 7:30am.
At the end of the club, our staff will ensure that your child is taken to their class to register for the beginning of the school day.
After School Club
We run extended childcare every day during term time from 3:15pm to 6pm.
This facility is open for all pupils from Foundation to Year 6 who are members of the school family. The children take part in a range of fun activities using the indoor and outdoor facilities. Children are provided with hot food, which is included in the price. This menu is changed every 2 weeks and offers options such as: pasta bake with garlic bread, pizza, beans on toast, nachos, chicken or quorn burgers. Staff, serving food, have a Food Hygiene certification. If you would like your child to attend our after school club, please book in a place through the Arbor App or alternatively, speak with the admin team in the school office.
For more information, please see our Sunshine Club Handbook on the right hand side of this page.
Extra Curricular School Clubs
We are proud to be able to offer a range of extra-curricular clubs throughout the year. These change on a termly basis. Activities we have been available provide throughout the year include:
- Sing and Sign
- Science Club
- Art Club
- Drawing Club
- Lego Club
- Book Worms
- French Club
- Multiskills
- Girls Football
- Tag Rugby
- Netball
- Outdoor Activities
- Archery
- Handball
- High 5 Club
- Football with Argyle
- Exim Dance
- Cross Country.
We believe that interests which are established in the earlier years assist in broadening children's experiences and horizons. Active participation rather than passive viewing must be a goal. Our clubs take place during lunchtimes or after school and are led by dedicated staff members or specialist visitors.