Experiences that enrich our Curriculum
Our intent:
At Thornbury Primary School we believe that educational visits, visitors and extra-curriuluar clubs offer a valuable opportunity to extend learning and enrich children’s understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them.
School Trips:
To enhance the curriculum and enrich the children's learning experiences, we arrange trips to places of interest during each school year. Trips are organised to link with the topics studied by the children that term. Typical examples of school trips are: visits to the aquarium, zoo, farm, museums and historical sites.
In KS2, children are given the opportunity to go on a residential trip, where they experience a range of outdoor activities and build lasting memories together. Over the past few years, this has been to Grenville House.
The safety of pupils on school trips is, of course, paramount. The school subscribes to Evolve, a system that helps us to assess and manage risks. If any aspect of the trip presents an unacceptable risk then it will not go ahead.
We regularly enjoy visitors in school. These may be people working within the community, such as police officers, paramedics, dentist, and carers. Recently, we were excited to welcome Reverend Dan, from the Worship Center. During Book Week, we are always excited to find out who are visiting author will be. Last year, Plymouth author Simon James provided a thrilling workshop for all the children on his journey as an author.
School Clubs:
We also enrich the curriculum by providing school clubs throughout the year. These take place at lunchtime or after school. The activities available throughout the year include:
- Sing and Sign
- Science Club
- Art Club
- Drawing Club
- Lego Club
- Book Worms
- French Club
- Multiskills
- Girls Football
- Tag Rugby
- Netball
- Outdoor Activities
- Archery
- Handball
- High 5 Club
- Football with Argyle
- Exim Dance
- Cross Country.
We believe that interests which are established in the earlier years assist in broadening children's experiences and horizons. Active participation rather than passive viewing must be a goal. Our clubs take place during lunchtimes or after school and are led by dedicated staff members or specialist visitors.