At Thornbury, we aim to create a community of readers with the skills to become independent and reflective readers, thinkers and learners, both at school and for life. We aim to inspire children with a lifelong love of books and reading, because we understand the central importance of reading to children’s wellbeing and academic success.
We are determined that by the end of their education at Thornbury, children can read fluently, and with confidence, in any subject in their forthcoming secondary education. Through our curriculum, we instil children with a love of reading, share with them an enthusiasm for children’s literature by introducing them to a range of high-quality books including from a variety of cultures, and in a range of different styles.
We recognise the importance of developing children’s confidence, enjoyment and fluency when reading for different purposes. We have adopted a coherent, rigorous and sequential approach to reading; children journey through Thornbury acquiring essential knowledge and skills which progressively develop their reading ability and passion. Time and care have been taken in selecting challenging and purposeful reading materials which are carefully planned and taught to the whole class each day.
Reading for pleasure
Research shows that children who enjoy reading achieve more highly across the curriculum. Developing a love of books and reading is at the heart of everything we do.
These are some implementations to enhance and promote reading for pleasure:
- We ensure there is an attractive area in each department for children to sit or choose a book.
- In every class, adults will read books during story time exposing children to a greater quality of vocabulary and to wider children’s experiences of different reading genres.
- As a school we recognise getting the balance right between the different skills and processes involved in reading is key to develop successful readers. We therefore build in time to discuss with children their reading habits and how they may use self-regulatory strategies to check their understanding.
- Our library is in central use for every child in the school. It is an attractive and large room with quality book displays to entice and encourage children to use the space. We have pupil reading leads who over-see the running of the library, ensuring it is always fully functioning and purposeful. Each class visits the library at least once a week for ‘Book Club’.
At Thornbury, we provide opportunities to enrich children’s reading experiences and interest through exciting activities such as:
- Can you hear what I hear? – this is the opportunityfor parents of children in Foundation and Year 1 to come in and share stories with their children every Wednesday at the start of the day.
- Storymakers – This is the opportunity for parents of children in Year 2 to come in and engage in a variety of story themed activities every Wednesday at the start of the day.
- Rock up and Read – This is the opportunity for parents of children in Key Stage 2 to come in and share stories with their children on the first Tuesday of every month at the start of the day.
- Book week – A week where the children are immersed in book related activities and where the children are visited by an author.

- Whole school poetry recitals – This is where each class learns a range of carefully selected poems (from our poetry progression document) and performs them to the rest of the school.
- Book Club – This is where each class has a weekly slot based in the library where staff members recommend and model choosing texts that are exciting and engaging and pupils have the opportunities to make recommendations to each other.
- Reading Buddies – This is where children from Key Stage 2 read with children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 to boost confidence and support reading progression.