
Our intent:

• All students develop their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills with automaticity

• Students can relate maths to real life contexts, making it meaningful

• Students are resilient when tackling problems

• Use efficient methods to solve problems and to learn to see patterns in numbers

• For students to develop a love of maths and thus make positive progress

• Explain their thinking and reason with numbers

• Regardless of the need or barrier, we hold high expectations for all our students

• Use recall of number facts and be able to apply these when solving problems

• Think mathematically using the CPA approach

• Apply mathematical knowledge to other curriculum subjects


What is White Rose Maths?   

Here at Thornbury, we use White Rose Frameworks for our maths planning. This is used for pupils of all ages, from early years to Year 6. The White Rose Maths frameworks are designed to be enjoyable, engaging and varied, to help pupils develop a love of learning and work towards mastery with adapted resources. But what defines White Rose Maths is their approach to teaching maths. At the heart of their resources and frameworks is the motto “Everyone Can Do Maths: Everyone Can!” White Rose teaches children mathematical concepts through pictorial, practical and written methods in order to develop a deep understanding, confidence and competence in Maths and improve fluency. Fluency in Maths is about developing number sense and being able to choose and use the most appropriate method for the task at hand and be able to apply a skill to multiple contexts. 

 More information can be found on the White Rose Education website. Free printable booklets can be found at: 

NRICH Problem-Solving School

Great news! We’re pleased to let you know that our school is a member of the Problem-solving Schools programme. We’re delighted that we are helping nurture future problem-solvers and instilling them with confidence and new skills to tackle both familiar and not-so-familiar problems.

How do we improve our students' maths fluency?

At Thornbury Primary School, we prioritise the development of our students' fluency in maths through various targeted strategies. Our Beat Your Score initiative, detailed on the school website, encourages students to continuously improve their arithmetic skills. We implement a times table check in Years 2, 3, and 4 to ensure foundational numeracy skills are solid. Every daily maths lesson includes opportunities for students to answer fluency questions, reinforcing their skills through consistent practice. Additionally, our NCETM Mastering Number programme in Foundation, Year 1, and Year 2 focuses on building strong number sense from an early age. To address individual learning needs, we also provide pre and post teaching sessions, ensuring that all students can achieve fluency in maths.

How do we improve our students’ reasoning and problem-solving?

At Thornbury Primary School, we enhance our students 'reasoning and problem-solving abilities through a structured approach that incorporates the White Rose scheme. Our marking policy includes asking reasoning, improving, describing, and evaluating questions, prompting students to think deeply and critically. We consistently encourage our students to explain why and how they arrived at their answers and to explore different methods for solving problems. Partner talk is heavily emphasised, providing opportunities for students to articulate their thoughts and learn collaboratively from their peers. Through these strategies, we aim to build strong reasoning skills and foster a confident problem-solving mindset in our students. We are also an NRICH problem-solving school.

How do we improve our students’ maths vocabulary?

At Thornbury Primary School, we focus on developing our students' maths vocabulary through a structured and interactive approach. Each unit begins with a front cover that lists the key vocabulary, ensuring students are familiar with the terms they will encounter. We maintain a vocabulary progression document for each year group, outlining the specific terms to be mastered at each stage. The vocabulary for the current unit is displayed on our working walls, making it easily accessible during lessons. To reinforce understanding, we use the "I say, you say" method and encourage students to show different ways to practise and demonstrate the definitions of new vocabulary. Additionally, we provide opportunities for partner talk, allowing students to discuss and use the vocabulary in context, enhancing their comprehension and retention.

How do we record and assess in maths?

At Thornbury Primary School, we employ a multifaceted approach to assess and record maths proficiency. Each child has their own maths book, where they document their work and progress. During lessons, mini whiteboards and a range of maths manipulatives are used to check understanding and facilitate interactive learning. Our Beat Your Score scheme motivates students to continuously improve by regularly challenging their personal bests. We assess children through fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving questions to provide a comprehensive evaluation. Feedback from peers and teachers helps to create a supportive and constructive learning environment. Additionally, we use White Rose End of Unit and End of Term assessments to monitor and record long-term progress. Please see our calculation policy to see how the use of manipulatives progresses across the school. At the start of every lesson, we begin with a 'Flash Back 4'. These are 4 questions linked to the children's prior knowledge and help support their mathematical retention.