We value our vast school grounds. We know that our school grounds can offer a rich learning environment, extending and deepening what can be taught indoors. Our school grounds are also a place of play – the foremost way in which children engage and learn about the world around them.

Space to Grow
We have a well-maintained school building and are lucky to have large expanses of natural areas within our grounds, which include a meadow area, outside classroom huts, an extensive sports field and adventure trim trail.

Our curriculum is brought to life in a variety of ways, whether this is in the classroom, in our fantastic grounds or through inspiring residentials, trips and visitors.

Meadow Monday
A key part of our weekly timetable in Foundation is ‘Meadow Monday’. Come rain or shine the children put on their waterproof suits and take their learning outside. They take part in a range of activities from creating natural patterns, going on a story hunt, making natural faces on tress using clay to having the most fun jumping in muddy puddles.