We actively teach our school values, including resilience, respect, caring and being balanced through our ‘Animal Aces’. Have you seen our School Values video? This will give you an insight into how the Animal Aces underpin our day-to-day school life.

Resilient Lion
*Have a go *Try again *Persevere *“I can keep going when it is tough.”

Focused Fox
*Concentrate *Focus *Show determination *“I can manage my distractions.”

Connecting Spider
*Use things I know *Spot connections *Make links *“I know… so I also know…”

Curious Cat
*Ask questions *Find things out *Say what I think *Ask, ‘what if?’ *Say “I wonder…?

Creative Squirrel
*Spot patterns *Try different ways *Use my imagination *“Is there another way?”

Resourceful Magpie
*Pick a tool *Draw it out *Borrow a good idea *“What can I use to help me?”

Friendly Otter
*Encourage others *Share ideas in a team *Listen carefully *Be kind *“That’s a really good idea. What about…?”

Balanced Beaver
*Look after myself *Talk about my feelings *Be healthy (mind and body) *Do things I enjoy *“If I’m feeling… I can…”

Responsible Rainbow Trout
*Making the right choice *Be reliable *Trustworthy *Inclusive *“I take responsibility for others as well as myself.”

Truthful Toad
*Being honest *Apologise *Knowing it’s ok to make mistakes *“sorry I have done… how can I fix it?”
What people are saying about Connect Primary School
"Nothing is ever too much trouble & all staff, whether teachers/teaching assistants/administrators all go above & beyond to ensure children achieve personally, socially, emotionally & academically. I would highly recommend Thornbury to anyone."
"My child is in the Upper Juniors, the support throughout her time at Thornbury has been excellent. Teachers & support staff have been hugely instrumental in helping my daughter become a confident, resilient & independent individual."
When I visited Thornbury, I instantly knew this was the place! Mrs Hardisty was very welcoming & passionate about her role to ensure children receive not only the best education, but to also feel safe and secure within a nurturing environment.
"The transition period was very well handled, we were kept informed on exactly how this process was to be done, a home visit by two of the transition staff to go over what they wanted to achieve to make this happen as simple and easy as possible."
"We picked Thornbury school after we had an open evening. Thornbury’s approach to the children's education and well-being, the commitment of the staff, how friendly and approachable they all are, we did not even look at the other schools."
“Our school is an amazing place to be and the staff and children are all very proud to be part of the Thornbury family! I feel privileged to share this learning journey with your child and love to watch them flourish.”
“Thornbury is built on strong relationships. These relationships are seen between staff and children, children and children, staff and parents/ carers and staff and staff. The care and support each offer to another enable all to feel valued and secure.”
“When I first stepped into Thornbury, I felt the warm, supportive & inclusive, atmosphere. Thornbury is one big family who work together to believe, achieve, & succeed.”